Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sorry Daily Good Tips, I Seldom Updated You In September 2009

I think I got bad record in September 2009, I just could update Daily Good Tips for 4 posts. As a new blogger I have awared that I must learn and do blogging seriously. I have no reason to say "Stop for Blogging", I will update and update my english blog, because although this blog is not my prime blog (my prime blog is Tukang Kritik), but it has had about 34 subscribers, and any visitors have came from search engine. It means this blog is a potential blog.
I will not leave this blog just because of its pagerank was downed by G00gle from 3 to n/a (not available), because I believe Daily Good Tips will get its pagerank again and probably it will get higher than 3 in future time, may be 4 or 5. If I leave this blog, I will become a loser as a new blogger because it means I can solve my problem or search many sources to solve my blog problems.
I promise I will repair this blog to get easy and simple in some targets, easy and simple to be readed, easy and simple to get subscribers, easy and simple to get pagerank, easy and simple to get advertisers, easy and simple to get good position in search engine, easy and simple to be introduced in blogosphere, and finally easy and simple to get money.
This is my motivation, although I am busy in my office work, I have learned from Daniel Scocco that office work is not a reason to leave blogging. I am sorry Daily Good Tips.

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