Friday, October 2, 2009

Hotlink Protection Plugin : Protect Your Blog's Image Links

Many blogs use images to make them beautiful and make readers more understand about a topic. But, if you use image in a post your bandwidth consumption will become larger than without images, moreover if other people use your images in their blogs with your original image link that makes your bandwidth consumption become larger and larger. To solve this problem, if you are wordpress users you can use Hotlink Protection Plugin. How to use it ?
1. Download Hotlink Protection Plugin in Installation processing is same with other wordpress plugins. Upload into plugins directory in blog server and then activate it via admin waorpress.
2. But, if you have installed OneClick Plugin Updater, you just need to install Hotlink protection via wordpress administration.
3. After activated, the next step is configuration setting from Setting menu >> Hotlinking Protection (gambar 1). In here, at part "URL Patterns to protect", fill in with directory where protected images are placed or if you don't change WP directories after your first wordpress installing you can fill wp-content/uploads.
4. If you want to use your original images, so sign or check at "Use a custom image", and at below write the file name. This file must be placed into template directory that is used. Then, save setting with clicking Update Options button.
Finally, this plugin is very useful to avoid hotlink image by other blogs to your blog.

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