Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mobiquus : Free Push Mail For Java Ponsel

Many people are searching Free Push Mail for their Java Ponsels, and in this time Daily Good Tips will talk about a free push mail service from Mobiquus. I hope this information can help you to get free push mail application.
The most interesting is now push mail service ability is not only can be enjoyed in the expensive ponsels / handphones because now J2ME ponsels can use this application.
Mobiquus is the free push mail service that probably it is your wanted application, because mobiquus makes this service with application based on Java.
Especially for Gmail users, this application is easy, just sign up and install the application. To understand how to sign up, follow these steps :
1. Access then choose "Register" or Sign Up
2. Sign "Trust us,..." option.
3. Enter your Gmail address, and check at "I have read ...."
4. Then an email confirmation will be sent to your email address to certain you are seriously sign up to mobiquus. Open the email and click the confirmation link.
5. Now, enter your ponsel number. Mobiquus will send an Short Message Service (SMS) include with the application download link.
6. The registration process is finish. Now, open the message from your ponsel then download and install the Mobiquus application.
7. Activate moBiquus application, at the first display you will be required to enter your email address and your password. After finished, let test your internet connection.
8. If the internet connection testing had finished, you will receive an email from mobiquus.
9. Set configuration to set the hours between which you want to receive notifications.
10. Now, you can enjoy Mobiquus service. To send a new email, choose "Email" > New Email.
11. You also can send photo an email address directly.

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