Saturday, September 26, 2009

Is Making Money From Internet Easy ?

I got information about making money first in 2007 from a book that was priced approximately $2, the book title was "Easy Ways To Get Money From Internet : Google Adsense". The book concepts was very simple, and I believe I can write better than the book now. The book content list include how about make a blog or website, how to submit blog into search engine, how to promote blog into directories, how to put adsense ads in a blog or website, and how to withdraw money from adsense cheque.
Although I knew making money information first in 2007 but I started making blog in 2008. One year i spent my times to learn php and html to design my own template but I think if I just learned about php and html and didn't start blogging soon, I will not have experiences in blogging. So I started blogging in November 2008. My first blog is Tukang Kritik is an Indonesian blog but I had got hundreds dollar from many advertisers who wanted to promote their service in my blog entry. Then, Daily Good Tips is my second blog, this blog is English blog. I monetize this blog by following google adsense. Daily Good Tips is 5 months old, but I put adsense approximately 2 months ago, I think adsense is not easy way to earn money from internet. I just get $1.47 from this blog but I had got tens dollar from other advertisers.
From my story I think making money from internet is not easy especially from blogging (because I also monetize twitter). Making money from internet is needed two important words they are "build" and "keep". Build your blog better than others and Keep your blog to be always the best, but fewer bloggers can do it. And as a technician in Indonesian Government Office I just have little times to blog. But I still have high motivation to blog although I am not the best but I want to be better everyday.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mobiquus : Free Push Mail For Java Ponsel

Many people are searching Free Push Mail for their Java Ponsels, and in this time Daily Good Tips will talk about a free push mail service from Mobiquus. I hope this information can help you to get free push mail application.
The most interesting is now push mail service ability is not only can be enjoyed in the expensive ponsels / handphones because now J2ME ponsels can use this application.
Mobiquus is the free push mail service that probably it is your wanted application, because mobiquus makes this service with application based on Java.
Especially for Gmail users, this application is easy, just sign up and install the application. To understand how to sign up, follow these steps :
1. Access then choose "Register" or Sign Up
2. Sign "Trust us,..." option.
3. Enter your Gmail address, and check at "I have read ...."
4. Then an email confirmation will be sent to your email address to certain you are seriously sign up to mobiquus. Open the email and click the confirmation link.
5. Now, enter your ponsel number. Mobiquus will send an Short Message Service (SMS) include with the application download link.
6. The registration process is finish. Now, open the message from your ponsel then download and install the Mobiquus application.
7. Activate moBiquus application, at the first display you will be required to enter your email address and your password. After finished, let test your internet connection.
8. If the internet connection testing had finished, you will receive an email from mobiquus.
9. Set configuration to set the hours between which you want to receive notifications.
10. Now, you can enjoy Mobiquus service. To send a new email, choose "Email" > New Email.
11. You also can send photo an email address directly.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How To Make Unique Ringtone With Musaic

The ringtone unique can make mobile phone more interesting. Beside with download way, you can make your unique ringtone alone. One way is by using an application that can be installed into ponsel / mobile phone. You can try Musaic.
Musaic is a Java application that can make music polyphonic in some generation, by using made intelligence, this application can combine part of some ringtones become a new ringtone.
How to make unique Ringtone with musaic :
1. This application can be downloaded from Make sure your ponsel/mobile phone is supported by this application, at demo page click Demo. If you interest to buy the Musaic full version, just click "Buy" that will make you visit to Nokia OVI store.
Then, the downloaded file is sent to ponsel/mobile phone via Bluetooth, Infrared or data cable. This application is installed automatically and you just follow the next instructions.
You also can download it directly by using ponsel/mobile phone by opening your ponsel/mobile phone browser. Type>> choose Quick Download >> Enter 35579 code.
2. Open Menu >> Choose MusAic>> Option >> Open. MusAic can be used by some ways. First, make a song with non-stop music, or you can make your unique ringtone by some clicking. Or you can use creative idea by unique composition. After opened choose "set preferences" > choose "song length" >
3. The display can be changed with "set preferences" >> "appearences" >> choone one choice.
4. This application has "style" feature where you can choose a music that will be made. Then set your wanted size. The result is displayed at "Style Meter" display that is limited by "Rythmic" (dominated by drum tone), "Pop", "Jazz", or "12-tone".
The size value of "Style Width" can be regulated until seem the genre musics such as "Pop", "Jazz" as the result.
5.Second, "Play" display where made music regulation is played by using CD player standart regulation. At above your display, you can determine the rating value for each songs. This application also use input regulation to regulate how the music is made. It makes each song that is created will be absolutely original, as the result of input rating and the application reaction. This application can value music desire that is made and adapt itself with your music desire.
6. The recording result can be saved or restored as "virtual composer". You also can group two music compositions, become one song. Each song that is played can be saved or exported into MIDI format that will be saved at "sound" folder in ponsel. Of course, you also can send the file into computer and open it to edit again by using a computer application.
7. If you get problems you can learn using technique by using "help" facility that has using instructions.
Using Tips :
This application uses "artificial inteligence" that can adapt saved music composition. Besides it, you can use these tips :
1. To make Rap music background, use style 57 with beat approximately 98 bpm (bitrate per minute), and prepare space for virtual song.
2. To make 12 tone music use "style" 121-122.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Check Your Google Webmasters Tools After Your Pagerank Down

Many indonesian new bloggers asked me why their blog pagerank down from 3 or 2 to n/a (not available). I just tell them that my pagerank also down, and then I check my google webmasters tools. First, I thought that my pagerank down because of a malware that had infected my blog so I report Google to fix it. But, Google didn't response my requirement.
So, I saw into external link site info in google webmasters tools, and I check some dofollow pages where I had commented into them. I was surprised because in reality many pages with high rank became n/a (not available), and I resume that probably my blog pagerank down because many external links became not available and they were banned by google.
I am now must comment to other pages with high pagerank to increase my pagerank again.
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