Thursday, July 2, 2009

Increase Your Feedburner Subscribers Automatically By Using Twitterfeed

Do you have a blog and you don't have many subscribers because you have young blog ?. If you want to improve your feedburner subscribers automatically I recommend you to use Twitterfeed. The processing is very simple and easy :

1. You just sign up to Twitterfeed by entering your email address and create a password to login into Twitterfeed.

2. Add Your blog feed name and your feed url for example my feed name is Daily Good Tips and my feed url is

Is that very simple ? Yes it is. Now, how twitterfeed works :

Your new feed content will be displayed as your new tweet and your followers will see it, and Twitterfeed will put your feed url that was shorten by  in the end of your tweet. If your followers click this link, they automatically will be counted as your feedburner subscribers. If you want increase your feedburner, I recommend you to use Twitterfeed.


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