Saturday, July 4, 2009

Improve Your Amazon Refferal Link Clicks By Using Twitter

This is my experience in Amazon affiliate program. I am very interesting in some Amazon products like baby toys, blogging book, computer, consoles, etc. And I often give my twitter followers some informations about Amazon new products. I am very happy if many followers click my informations but I think that is not enough if I just put the Amazon refferal links in my blog so I need the new way to increase my refferal link clicks.

I use twitter to increase my refferal link clicks, the process is simple :

1. Shorten your refferal link address with

2. Add the product title in tweet box with ending your shorten refferal link, then tweet.

3. Check the real time datas with info

4. Compare the data with Amazon refferal link data.

Now, you can analyze your clicks amount. Thanks


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