Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Fundamental Life Paradigma

One man studied in USA and he got doctor badge with completing his examination but he was very angry because he can not answer three questions in hisself. He did not know "where i came from ?", "For what i came to the world ?", and "Where i will go after i life in the world ?". Then he ripped his doctor certification, and said "I don't get anything since i study in this university ? I still can not answer three questions those are very important to answer in my long life, you (docents) don't give me anything."

This story is really happen in an university in USA. I get this story in one of "Sholat Jumat" lecture in my city "Purwokerto", for this story I think that man is not enough has science in material and social but they need "Alloh" for their lifes. They eat foods from soil that is made by Alloh, with Alloh's water from rivers and clouds. Alloh is The God makes them from zygot, and they will come back to Alloh after death. But majority people don't know this Fundamental Life Paradigma.


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