Monday, May 18, 2009

When You Should Choose GSM or CDMA Internet Connection

Internet connection is very important to blogger who want get more money from internet, therefore blogger must choose the right internet service provider. Good internet service provider must have some excesses in speed and price, has fast internet access and cheap price. So, as a blogger you should collect more information about GSM or CDMA internet connection if you want to use dial-up internet connection.

When you should use GSM or CDMA internet connection ? I think it is suspended about your activity. For example, I choose CDMA SMART internet connection than GSM Telkomsel because in my home the CDMA Smart has same signal with GSM Telkomsel, but CDMA Smart is cheaper than GSM Telkomsel and I get 2 GB internet access per month, so I choose CDMA Smart. I also seldom go out from my home because usually I manage my blogs in my home.

If you often get traveling I recommend you to choose GSM, although the price is expensive because GSM has larger area than CDMA, and the signal is more stabil than CDMA. GSM is suitable for dynamic person.

Finally, use the dial-up internet connection follow your activity.


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