Monday, May 18, 2009

How To Start Small Business With Islamic Methods

Muslim's business must be related with Islamic methods because business is a part of "muamalah". Muamalah means the human relationship so it must be regulated with Islam. Islam doesn't allow a muslim to eat interest from a bank because the interest is "riba", Islam also doesn't allow muslim to deceive someone by breaking their agreement in a business terms of service (TOS). So, a muslim must understand their business terms of service (TOS), if this TOS is not appropriated with Islam, muslim mustn't to do it. 

To start a small business you should choose the real business such as by selling something, join with paid to review (PTR) program in internet business, put google adsense in your blog or website etc. And don't join in non-real business such as forex trading, money selling, gambling etc. Because, non-real business can not be predicted when they will increase your income and when they will increase your income, and I think by doing real business you will earn money with real products or services.

So to start small business is easy : First, choose your desire real business, understand your business TOS and do it seriously by following the TOS. Say "Bismillahirrohmaanirohiim" if you are muslim. 

Finally, be success.


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