Saturday, December 19, 2009 lifestyle on the net :

In the post yesterday touched a little Bang critic of dummy blog for seo optimization. The core of the postings is that the optimization could be a blogger to create a new blog quickly, then make sure that the dummy blog that was indexed to google, then fill in the blog by posting, posting a link in which there our contest page. The concept is simple is not it? But whether the practice as simple as that?
In Lifestyle on The Net is again held by Astaga! Com this, Bang critics try to make a dummy blog on The registration process and making it easy to blog, but for a blogspot bloggers, who are not familiar with wordpress, it is necessary to adjust a bit much. Blog dummy blog linked to this criticism Tailor, and do not forget to also bang critics put this blog to / addurl to google mengindeksnya. Result in a few minutes dummy blog that managed indexed but unfortunately turned out to index a page in which there Lifestyle on The Net was still difficult. So far only managed to homepage are indexed and not one post is indexed.
Conclusion memabangun a dummy was not so easy yes .... especially for beginners like Bang critics who dislike trial and error (trial and error).

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