Sunday, July 12, 2009

SEO Blog Contest Effects

I often analyze the blogging activities in my country Indonesia. One subject that was analyzed is blog contest effects. In Indonesia, many masters and beginers join many blog contests such as review contest and seo contest. In this article I will review about seo contest effects for advertiser as the contest caretaker.

This contest is very useful for contest caretaker. Caretaker just provide money to give gift for the contest winners, the contest caretaker usually spend money from $150 up to $1000 and contestant must do some benefit working for the advertiser/sponsor such as :

1. A contestant must be sponsor's website or blog follower.

2. A contestant must favourite sponsor's website in technorati.

3. A contestant must put the dofollow sponsor link in each pages that will be followed in the contest, etc

What are effects :

1. Sponsor's blog pagerank increases quickly. I ever saw a blog with pagerank 0 became 3 after the owner executed a seo contest.

2. Sponsor get many followers.

3. Sponsor get good authority and rank in technorati.

Those are advantages of seo blog contest for sponsor, especially for the rich sponsor.


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